Coke fuelled cell phone

January 12, 2010

Coke-fuelled cell phone! Are you kidding me? Well, designer Daizi Zheng has proposed a new conceptual mobile phone that has a bio-fuelled cell that needs Coca Cola drinks to generate electricity to power the handset.

Coke contains carbohydrates (the sugar), is able to produce electricity, once sparked with some enzymes. Bio batteries are not new, they have been around for decades and can produce 3-4 times of juice that traditional lithium mobile phone batteries can. Since coke is easily available through almost any grocery shops, and it’s not pricey, so it’s definitely a smart idea to use coke as the fuel for the bio batteries.


Selenium said...

Interesting concept I must say :)
I hope people don't open the batteries to drink coke when they are in a mood to drink some :P

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